PMA's Music Program:
With 4 quarters in a school year, the music program breaks down aspects of music each quarter. Two of the school quarters focus on choral setting. Through choir students practice matching pitch, singing with others, as well as learning rhythms and musical notation on a staff.
During the third quarter, music students learn about production aspects for both performing and designing sets. For the musical, students collectively dedicate 50 hours of rehearsals to prepare for their production. Students learn songs, dances, monologues as well as building sets and all the behind the scene details needed to conduct a show.
At Phoenix Montessori Academy, students spend one quarter on instruments studies. Students can label and give facts about percussive, brass, woodwinds and stringed instruments. During instrumental studies, students make replicas of instruments, or try out performances on instruments.
Toddlers through High school students are able to participate in music classes. Toddler and Primary students get music once a week in their classroom. Enrichment students, those who are in their kindergarten year of the primary class, receive an extra hour of music immersed in the music classroom weekly. Lower and Upper Elementary students come to music for a morning work period. Students 1st through 6th grade receive music instruction for 2-3 hours per week. The Middle and High school music class is combined to maximize the success of the choir. Middle and high schoolers come to music once a week for 2 hours per week.